Segfault in nix eval when requesting existant output

[default] jeg@Jamess-MacBook-Air aniMotum_nix % nix eval ‘nixpkgs#libtiff.out’
zsh: segmentation fault nix eval ‘nixpkgs#libtiff.out’

what i meant to type was:
nix eval ‘nixpkgs#libtiff.outputs’

out is one of the outputs of libtff.

if you instead do i non-existant output, it prints an error message.

[default] jeg@Jamess-MacBook-Air aniMotum_nix % nix eval ‘nixpkgs#libtiff.foobar’
error: flake ‘flake:nixpkgs’ does not provide attribute ‘packages.aarch64-darwin.libtiff.foobar’, ‘legacyPackages.aarch64-darwin.libtiff.foobar’ or ‘libtiff.foobar’

but if the output does exist (for example “out” is listed by .outputs), it segfaults:

[default] jeg@Jamess-MacBook-Air aniMotum_nix % nix eval ‘nixpkgs#libtiff.out’
zsh: segmentation fault nix eval ‘nixpkgs#libtiff.out’

this is not a horrible bug to me, i just mention in case it you want to fix it.

Thanks for the report, I’ll get this filed and prioritized.

It looks to me like this issue has been fixed by nix upstream.
I also want to highlight that since this wasn’t an error with flox itself, this bug is more appropriately reported to GitHub - NixOS/nix: Nix, the purely functional package manager.


i am working on a big project for my lab right now,

and it just uses plain old matlab,

so my flox/nix adventures are on pause.

before my pause, i spoke with the hpc people at my university (we call it the sherlock cluster here)

and they said that they mainly like singularity for this kind of task. i think i can generate a container

with flox and then run that with singularity. so when i come off my matlab binge that is the

direction i will pursue.

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